
The Sound of a Shot PRESS RELEASE



The Sound of a Shot — Someone must pay the price when the war goes wrong.


City, Date – Renowned journalist and author Edward Aegidius, writing under the pen name Edward F. Mosey, unveils his highly anticipated novel, “The Sound of a Shot.” This captivating mystery-thriller/memoir delves into the profound struggles faced by soldiers who risk their lives in a war that ultimately leads to futility.

“The Sound of a Shot” follows the story of Tess Danton, a young woman who tragically lost her father in Vietnam, and two combat platoon leaders who bitterly disagree about their roles as the war nears its end. First Lieutenant Alan Danton, Tess’s father, relentlessly pursues body count as the sole measure of tactical success, while First Lieutenant Jack Hoffman prioritizes the safe return of his men above all else.

A conflict festers between the two men as Lt. Danton cannot tolerate the attitudes of Hoffman and other junior officers who question the justification of risking lives when troop withdrawal is imminent. Desperate to prove his leadership and secure a future as an Army officer, Lt. Danton exhibits a cavalier attitude toward the lives of his troops, dismissively declaring, “Men die in wars.” He accuses Hoffman of dereliction of duty.

Tess Danton’s relentless pursuit for the truth about her father’s death is at the heart of the story. She refuses to accept the Army’s version of his heroic demise and suspects there is more to the story. Will Hoffman finally reveal the harrowing events leading up to that fateful day, haunted by nightmares ever since?

Through gripping flashbacks, “The Sound of a Shot” takes readers on a compelling journey, covering the entire spectrum of war experiences for these two men, from civilian life to volunteering and, for Hoffman, to the challenging readjustment to civilian life. Why does Hoffman hesitate to disclose the truth to Tess? Was a war crime committed on the day her father died? And what truly transpired during the final battle in Cambodia? The answers unfold in the final chapters, leaving readers on the edge of their seats.

Edward Aegidius masterfully blends the elements of a thriller and historical fiction, weaving a narrative that raises ethical, moral, and strategic issues surrounding modern warfare. Veterans and those who have never experienced the life-and-death struggle of war alike will find this book enlightening, emotionally moving, and thought-provoking.


About Edward F. Mosey:

Writing under the pen name Edward Aegidius, Edward F. Mosey is a remarkable author whose life experiences have profoundly shaped his unique perspective on modern warfare. Having served as a combat officer in the Vietnam War, leading a platoon in the Central Highlands, Mosey’s firsthand exposure to the futility of war left an indelible mark.


With an extensive career in news and public affairs, including esteemed organizations such as The Oregonian, the Associated Press, and the Bonneville Power Administration, Mosey honed his writing skills. He furthered his love of learning, obtaining Master’s degrees in Journalism from the University of Oregon in 1973 and in Theology from the University of Portland and Gonzaga University in 2003.


“The Sound of a Shot” marks Mosey’s first published work of fiction. He has previously written and contributed to corporate history books and possesses a strong background in newspaper writing, editing, and freelance magazine writing. His recent works predominantly explore spiritual, moral, and environmental subjects.


By adopting the pen name “Aegidius,” Mosey pays homage to his maternal grandfather, embracing the name’s meaning, “wearer of goatskin,” which may reference a holy man known for performing good deeds. Edward F. Mosey’s contributions to literature reflect his unwavering dedication to his craft and his resolute commitment to promoting a better world.

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